wah cam best je title post mamasuri ni kan..
disneyland tu...bkn suri je suka..mama dia lagi suka n teruja...hahahah
actually mama tertgk lah advertisement from nuffnang tu..
yg baru mama sign up tu..hahaha
Cathay Pacific and Hong Kong Disneyland present"BUY 2 GET 1 FREE!" Vacation Packages
wah wah wah..
terujanyer mama tgk iklan tu...
best kan..beli utk mama n papa..dpt utk suri..
syok je vacation tu...
harga nya jeng2 RM2000++ seorang...
maknanyer 2k x 2 = 4k+++
ermm..shoping lagi..makan lagi..
hotel sume ada...
leh tahan
camner lahh nak kumpul duit nak g sana yek...
papa!!kte kumpul slow2 yek...
dgr2 papa nak vacation ke langkawi chinese new year ni..
jd ke papa???
harap2 rezeki papa murah
tp kalu buleh mama n suri (hehehe) nak g kk lah papa...
leh jmpa aunty reen n bb harith...
berangan nyer mama...
paste skit advertisement tu..
kot2 ada kwn2 mama yg berminat kan
From now to 17 December 2009, Cathay Pacific is offering "BUY 2 GET 1 FREE" Hong Kong Disneyland Travel Packages with an array of value-added benefits.
Experience the magic at Hong Kong Disneyland throughout the year! From 20 Novemeber onwards, live your Christmas dream as Sparkling Christmas at Hong Kong Disneyland tranforms into a Winter Wonderland.
Delight in the wintery fun of Main Street U.S.A. as you take in the breathtaking Christmas decorations, glistening lights and falling snow.
Feel the beat of the Let It Snow Christmas Parade or set sail to a whole new world in Fantasyland, with ''it's a small world christmas''.
As night falls, be dazzled by the all new Lights of Winter, a magnificent illumination of Christmas lights. Sparkling Christmas Winter Wonderland is sure to set your heart aglow.
Your "BUY 2 GET 1 FREE" package includes:
Round-trip Economy Class ticket to Hong Kong (from Kuala Lumpur or Penang)
Hotel accommodation (1N at Disney-themed hotel followed by 2N at Downtown hotel)
Disneyland Park admission ticket
Return airport/hotel transfers (HKIA-Disney Hotel-Downtown Hotel-HKIA)
RM180 rebate for each child travelling with adult
"Stay and Play for 2 Days" offer
Park meal coupon (for guests of Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel only) Sales period: Now until 11 December 2009Travel period: From 22 September 2009, and last departure date on 17 December 2009Don't miss out! Book your package today through your
Cathay Pacific Reservations:
Kuala Lumpur: 03-2035 2777 or email kulres_tkg@cathaypacific.comPenang: 04-226 0411 or email pen#sales@cathaypacific.com For more details about "Sparkling Christmas", please visit www.hongkongdisneyland.com.
Kuala Lumpur: 03-2035 2777 or email kulres_tkg@cathaypacific.comPenang: 04-226 0411 or email pen#sales@cathaypacific.com For more details about "Sparkling Christmas", please visit www.hongkongdisneyland.com.
call yek jgn tak call...
wallaa.. memang mahal tu.. takpe..kumpul skit2.. insyallah tertunai la impian
BalasPadamha'ah, lieya pun dah tgk iklan ni kat paper...cam best kan..rase cam nak pegi tapi kene kumpul duit betul2 nieh....kalo dpt gi, mmg seronok laaa..budak2 seronok, mak pak budak pun tumpang seronok....
BalasPadamRE: ohohohoho sama ekk ukuran kite.... tp mama dh de suri... kite x de lagi... uhuhuhuhuh
BalasPadamentah la mama....boleh ke tak ntah... kdg2 kite ni...smgt je lebih... ahhahahahah